First...why do I like doing laundry at a laundry mat? Because I do laundry ONCE a week. Not daily. Not 4 times a week. I do a whole week's worth of dirty clothes all at once, and then I don't have to think about laundry the other 6 days of the week. It takes about 3 hours to wash, dry, AND fold all of the laundry. I also like going to the laundry mat because I leave the boys at home with Henry since he works from home now. You know what that means?!?! Three hours of kid-free time! (When you are a stay-at-home homeschooling momma, you will take 3 hours anyway you can!) The laundry mat that I've been going to has a TV, free wi-fi, and vending machines. I read, blog, surf the net, watch TV, but the most important thing is that I SIT. When doing laundry at home, you put a load of laundry in and then go do 16 other things while it's washing. At a laundry mat, you sit.
After each load is taken out, the staff comes around
and wipes out the washers.