1st Grade Homeschool (Roadschool) Curriculum 2015-2016
One might assume that since I have already homeschooled one son for 5 years that I would have this homeschooling thing down pat. Wrong! I feel like a fish out of water when it comes to my 6-year-old who will be starting 1st grade. It seems he came from a completely different mold than my first-born which includes him having a completely different learning style and a completely different personality. For starters, I have to actually teach him. Wait. What? A homeschooling mom who has to actually teach? Oh, brother John. ('Oh, Brother John' is my saying for when I feel exasperated). My first-born, for some reason, was reading at the age of 3 all by himself. No teaching required. He was reading at a 3rd grade level at the age of 5. Now at the age of 10, he's at a 10th grade level. No wonder I thought, "Hey, I should homeschool him." Because I knew it would be easy on my part! Ha! Now by no means, please do not read this as me saying that my 2nd born isn't a smart cookie because he absolutely is...he's actually too smart for his own good! He is a very kinesthetic learner. He does not enjoy 'doing school' or sitting or listening or following directions. His math skills blow my mind because he somehow just 'knows' how to do math (like his brother just knew how to read). He also loves, loves, loves to draw. There are days he'll say, "Mommy, I feel like drawing" and he will churn out picture after picture after picture. (My oldest HATED coloring/drawing). Reading, though, does not come naturally for him which makes him not enjoy it. He is just like his daddy in this aspect because his daddy does not like to read AT ALL. SO...this year, we will be focusing on reading big time which will probably involve multiple sources to starve off his boredom.
(He collects rocks and loves 'creekin').
Social Studies = Scholastic News 1
Handwriting = ???
PE = Riding bike/scooter, walking/hiking, swimming
Geography = Scholastic Map Skills 1
Life Skills = Learn to tie shoes; memorize phone number; dishes; laundry; cooking; etc.
Required Reading = This is just the beginning of a list. Our goal is to read a book a day or at least 10 minutes a day. He will get to pick his own books for pleasure reading.
Charlotte's Web
Frog & Toad Are Friends
Mr. Popper's Penguins
A Bear Called Paddington
The Ralph Mouse Collection
The House That Jack Built
Inch by Inch