Friday, November 21, 2014

5-Month Update

November 21st marks 5 months of us living in our RV.  

How do we like it?  
Would we choose to do this again with what we know now?  
Do we prefer living in a house or the RV?  
How long do we plan on living in our RV?
Do we wish to stay in Florida, or would we like to go back to Ohio...
or pick a different state to call home?  
How does Henry like working from the RV?
How do the boys like being homeschooled in the RV?
How do I survive in such a small space with 3 boys!?!

So I asked the boys some questions to see how everyone is feeling.

"Do you prefer living in a house or the RV?"
Scott (age 5):  House.
Sage (age 9):  House.
Me:  RV
Henry:  House

"Do you like being homeschooled in the RV, or would you prefer to go to public school."
Scott:  Homeschool!  No, wait.  Ummmm....public school.  (And just so you know, he hates ANY type of school).
Sage:  Homeschool.  Duuuuuhhhhh.

"Do you prefer working in an office or working in the RV?"
Henry:  Office.  I would prefer working in a home (house) office instead of the RV office or office.  I like getting out and not being cooped up all day.  

"Do you like living in Florida better or Ohio?"
Scott:  Ohio!
Sage:  Ummm...depends on the terms.  If I had to pick today, I would probably say Ohio.  
Me:  Ohio.
Henry:  Florida.

"What do you like about living in the RV?"
Scott:  No.  
Sage:  The pool.  (Couldn't think of anything RV-specific)
Me:  I love the closeness and coziness of it.  For real.  I love that we have to be really intentional on what we buy due to lack of storage.  I love that it's so small and cleaning is a breeze.  I love that my boys have gotten closer since living in here.  They get along so much better now!  I love that we can move around to different places and travel with our home with us!  I love that we are experiencing this adventure together as a family.  I love that we knew absolutely nothing about RVs just months ago, and now we can teach others about this lifestyle.  I love that we learned all about it by doing it!  
Henry:  Didn't ask him this question yet.  

"How long do we plan on living in the RV?"
We still don't know the answer to this question.  We have renters in our house in Ohio.  Their lease is up June 30, 2015.  We have no idea if they will want to continue renting past that day.  We have no idea if we will decide to come back to Ohio.  If we decide to not come back to Ohio then, and our renters want to stay in the house, they will sign another lease for another least that's what our current lease agreement says.   We are so very thankful that we found fabulous renters!  

"What ARE our plans?"
We have our current RV site reserved until February 28th....and that's all we know!  We don't know what we are doing after February 28th, and we don't know where we will be going.  MY plan...or my wishful to start our 'Going Out West Adventure' on March 1st.  Henry is worried about being financially ready at that point, though. plans are being made at this time.  Just getting through the holidays and winter for now!

"Knowing what we know now, would you still choose to live in an RV?  Basically...if you could do it all over, would you?"
Scott:  No.  I want a house.  Actually, I want to go places.  I want to go to California and see Evan.  (He LOVEs the little boy from Evantube on youtube and hopes to meet him!)
Sage:  Yeah, I totally would.  
Me:  Yes without a doubt.
Henry:  Yes, it's much better than I thought it would be.