Friday, March 27, 2015

Visit with family in Boynton Beach, FL

Our 'temporary long-term home'
 at Sugar Mill Ruins Travel Park
 decorated a lot for Christmas!  

We loved these hay bales 
painted white and stacked 
to make a snowman!

Two days after Christmas, 
we drove 3 hours south to
visit with my mom, 
step-dad, and step-grandma.  
They were down in Florida 
staying at their condo.
(Step-grandma actually lives in England...
she was here in the States visiting.  
My step-dad is British).
(My mom and step-dad's house
 is in cold, snowy Wisconsin, 
but they also own a condo 
down in warm, sunny Florida).

Once we got to their condo, 
we decided to find a dog
 park to take their dog to 
(which wasn't an easy thing to do), 
but we finally found one, 
and it was lovely!
Right on the water, and 
look at what was there!

We're used to seeing little
 lizards running around everywhere, 
but nothing like this guy!  
This guy was massive!

The boys had a great time
riding their new scooters 
around the park.

Here we all are:
Scott, Nana Sylvia, Grand-dad, 
Nana Niecey, Me, and Sage...
and Lacey the Dog.  

Henry got in some pictures too.

No, I'm not modeling here...ha!
I was in the middle of 
putting my sunglasses on my head 
when Henry called my name...Cheese!

Being with my family 
makes me really happy!

This is one of Oprah's previous homes.
My mom and step-dad's condo is close to here
in Boynton Beach.

We stopped at another park 
to watch the boats come and go
from the jetty.

We hung out outside at the condo...
because when it's December 
and it's warm outside, 
you sit outside!

We were unable to actually 
stay all night at their condo 
because they had their cat and dog there
(Henry and Sage are both 
allergic to cats and dogs).
So we went to a hotel for the night
(which my boys LOVE doing!)
The wall art in our hotel room 
was done by an artist named 
'Scott'.  This artist's handwriting 
reminded me so  much of my
 dad's handwriting whose name 
was also 'Scott' who was also a great artist 
(who died back in 1976 hence why I had 
to take a picture of the art!) 

This is one of their favorite
 things to do at a hotel.  
(Did we have enough bags for one night!?!)

Both boys love, love, love dogs.
Sage can't get all close and cuddly 
to them because he's allergic, 
but Scott is a different story.
Scott LOVES Lacey!

We had plans to go to the beach
(Boynton Beach) in the morning.
We drove around and around
and around and around
and never found a parking spot!
There are just a few parking lots, and
because it was Christmas-time with lots
of tourists there...we never found a spot to park.
It was absolutely beautiful, though, 
just to drive around.
Henry and I both really like the area.

So since we couldn't go to the beach,
we headed for the pool at their condo.
It was personally too cold for me to get in, 
but the boys don't mind the cold!

So this older man on the left,
approached us wanting to buy 
my boys.  Yes, BUY my boys.
Obviously, we didn't take him up on his offer.

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