Tuesday, April 7, 2015

World War II Museum in New Orleans

My grandfather, Josh Shaw, served in World War II.
He was in the Army.
Visiting the The National WWII Museum was a must for me.  

When we drove down to the French Quarter the other night, 
we drove by the WWII and noticed that the parking lot was small and tight.
I had no idea where I was going to park our beast of a truck
(Henry had to work all day so couldn't come with us).
I'm so grateful for the wonderful RV Facebook pages that I'm apart of ....
I asked on one of the pages for suggestions on where to park since
so many RVers visit New Orleans and so many drive big 'ole trucks like me.
Sure enough, within minutes I get suggestions on where to park.
They were spot on.  
I found a parking spot right on the street about 2 blocks down from the museum.

The parking on the street was for only 2 hours so
we had to come back out to the truck mid-way through the museum to feed the meter.
That was okay, though.
We used this opportunity to eat some snacks and drink some water....
ya know, refuel.  

My first time using one of these types of meters.  

When you pay for your museum tickets, 
(which is $23.00/adult and $14.00/student)
you get a 'Dog Tag Card'.

You then register it at a station.
You are assigned a soldier or you get to pick one to follow.
While you go through the museum,
they have listening stations where you follow your soldier through the war.

This is a 'train' to nowhere, 
it doesn't actually move.
You get on it for a short explanation on how to register your dog tag.

The museum is actually 4 buildings so you have 
to go outside to get from building to building.

Just ignore Scott's expression.
He likes to be silly when the camera comes out.

The boys were really into following their soldier.

I really appreciated that in each room/section, 
there were short videos playing about what was going
on in the war in chronological order. 
This helps Scott since he doesn't read a whole lot yet, 
but he likes to watch videos.

Video playing.

Video playing.

 Watching a video.
(They were really into it especially Sage!)

Video playing.

Bomb rack.

I'm glad we went.  For sure.
Learning about history and geography this way is way more
 exciting and memorable than reading a textbook!

However, if I had to compare this museum to the
in Dayton, OH...
the USAF museum would win with flying colors for me
(and it has free parking AND the admission is FREE too!)

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