Monday, July 7, 2014

Sewer Solution

I get the question a lot about "How does the bathroom situation work in an RV?"  It's a very good question with a very easy answer.  It's a normal bathroom...pretty much.  It's a normal toilet.  You use it like you normally do.  Then you flush it like you normally's just a foot pedal flusher instead of with your hand flusher.  :-)  All the waste goes into the 'black water tank', then you hook a hose up to the tank, release a valve, and drain the tank into the ground (into an approved sewer hole in the ground).  You also put some type of product down in the tank via just putting it into the toilet to get rid of the smell and to break up waste (sorry, had to say it).  We use Kronen tank treatment.  We decided to buy a container that is designed to hold the sewer hose instead of keeping it in the basement of the RV (the underneath storage area of the RV).  We got the Valterra hose carrier.

Henry installed it all by himself!

This was Henry emptying the black water tank
for the first time ever at Elkhart Campground. 
We have since bought a second sewer hose since
we have 2 bathrooms and a Y-connector 
so he can do it all at once.  
We also now have the sewer hose supports.  

What a trooper Henry is.  He has learned how to do all of this.  He's never been a 'camper'.  Never owned a camper/RV of any kind or size.  He has jumped in with both feet and has done an amazing job with everything.

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