Thursday, April 16, 2015

From New Orleans to Houston

We left New Orleans on April 11th 
and drove to our next stop, Houston.  

We drove across Lake Pontchartrain.
It is a 5 mile long bridge.  

So it appears I have developed a little fear of heights
...and bridges.
This bridge freaked me out a bit.
It's one of those bridges that is pretty steep, 
and you can't tell what is going to 
happen to you once you get to the top.  
Are you going to drop right off the bridge into the water?  
As you watch the cars in front of you up the hill, 
they just suddenly disappear as if they 
really are just dropping off the bridge.  

Can you tell how steep it is?

Thankfully, our truck does amazingly pulling our house.

New Orleans

New Orleans

Henry wanted me to take a picture of these things 
because we have no idea what they are....any clue?

We drove over the swamp on a bridge for 18 miles!
Not sure if you can tell, 
but there are tops of trees all along the water.  

Thanks to a nice couple who drove right up next 
to us on the highway, 
did hand motions, 
and mouthed the words, 
Yep, one bike had it's wheel dangling. 

Here's another darn steep bridge.  

(Rest Area)

Once we got to our new campground, 
we made a trip to the grocery store...
I have missed Kroger so much.
There are no Krogers in Florida.

Next morning, I made a
Thank you RV oven for baking it right!

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