Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Job Announcement

It's official now!  Signed, Sealed, and Delivered.

First a little back story...

We decided as a family to move to Florida on January 1st, 2014.  Henry went into his work on January 2nd and announced to the other managers that he would be leaving the company at the end of May.  We had no plan.  He had no other job lined up.  We didn't know where exactly in Florida we would settle.  We just knew we were going to move and everything else would fall into place.

That very same day, he got offered a position that would allow him to stay with the company, but would also allow him to move anywhere.  The position actually had to be created just for him so it has taken 2 months to finally solidify everything.  Human Resources had to create the position/the salary, post the job, Henry had to submit his resume, 'interview', and be officially offered the job. He has been with his company for 15 years and has worked his booty off for them.  He traveled every week for 5 years.  He has been 'on-call' all.the.time.  We uprooted our family to move to Chicago years ago.  Then, uprooted again to move back to Ohio.  Now, he will be able to work from home...(from our RV).  His title is something like 'Senior Customer Support Manager' or something like that.  He just needs internet access and cell phone connection to be able to do his job...and maybe some peace and quiet.  He will have to travel here and there, but hey...the whole family can come along in the RV!

Piece by piece, step-by-step...everything is falling into place.

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