Sunday, February 23, 2014

The BIG Daddy!

Yesterday, we spent our day looking for a new RV home.  Henry from Day 1 of agreeing to live in an RV was interested in checking out the drive-able RVs...the Class A Motorhomes....the Big Daddies...the billion dollar ones.  Well, not really a billion dollars, but pretty darn close.  I, for some reason, didn't like the idea of living in one of those...5th wheel, yes...but motorhome, no.  I had watched some youtube videos of people living in them and read multiple blogs, but I just couldn't see us living in one (not to mention the huge price tag!)  Well, we decided just to go check them out to officially rule them out.  

Darn it.  Our search just got more complicated because I liked them.  The salesman took us in one, and it was all fancy, blinged out.  You name it, it had it.  Then he tells us the price.  $225,000!  Henry says, "Is that the sticker price?"  Salesman says, "Oh no, that's the sale price.  Sticker price is $295,000."  What the what??  No wonder I liked it!

So, Mr. Salesman takes us into another one.  (Mind you, we made it very clear that $225,000 was nowhere close to what we were going to pay).  Well, Motorhome #2 was just like Motorhome #1, but it was 3-years-old and had a light, neutral interior.  Major pluses were that it had a FULL-size residential size refrigerator/freeze (just like we have now), a DISHWASHER, and WASHER/DRYER!  The only things I was not crazy about was that there was no official 'bunkhouse' like a 5th wheel has.  It does have bunkbeds, but they are located in the 'hallway' right next to the master bedroom...literally.  There is a door that goes between the bunkbeds and master bed, but's right there.  So the boys wouldn't have their own bedroom which means it lacks some very needed storage for them.  I also didn't like there only being 1 bathroom.  The 5th wheel had a bath and a half which I think is a must.  It had a lot of open floor space in the living/kitchen area which Henry liked the best.  Well, and he loves that the traveling part will be super comfy and convenient for all of us.  While traveling on the road, the boys can be buckled in at the booth, and they would be able to watch the huge flat screen TV or play games on their X-box.  We love that there is a built-in generator so we could 'boondock' for 4-6 days without being plugged into any utilities at a campground.  So after we all decided that we could see ourselves living in it, Henry went into the Salesman's office to 'talk numbers'.  After about 10 minutes, I went to check on the progress.  It was a no-go.  Sales price was $183,788.38.  What the what?!?  Ouch.  That's just crazy talk.  I said, "That's the price of a house!"  Henry said, "Well yea, it's a motor HOME."  

Needless to say, that is way over what we are going to spend.  However, we now know that Class A Motor Homes are pretty darn nice so we are looking at possibly a WAY cheaper one.  We shall see.  Below are some pictures of the MotorHome #2 that we saw yesterday.  

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