Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day 2014

I awoke before everyone else which is rare.  Usually little Scott gets up before me.  I like getting up before everyone else to enjoy a quiet house with no one needing or wanting anything from me and no 2 boys fighting.  My quiet time didn't last very long.  Scott's radar detected that I was awake.  I will be grateful for those 20 quiet minutes.

Henry made us all a breakfast of eggs, sausage, and toast.  Any meal that I don't have to cook is marvelous!  And any meal that I don't have to clean up after is even better!

Henry took the boys last night to Target because Scott knew what he wanted to get me for Mother's Day.  "A pretty dress."  His words.  So Henry took them, and Scott picked out a pretty dress.

He did a good job!  Not a dress I would pick out myself, but sometimes it's nice to get a new perspective on fashion, even if it's from a 4-year-old.

Sage also picked me out a cool shirt.  It's a tied-dye shirt that he says looks like an eclipse.  I like it, and it seems very appropriate for RV life.

They also picked out cards for me.  Henry asked Scott what message he wanted him to write to me and look what he said:

Sage's card was about mom's losing their bladder function and for me to be careful when I'm laughing because I could pee on myself.  He thought this was hilarious.  Happy to report I do not have this problem.  (yet)  Ha!

So what fun thing do I do on Mother's Day?  Go to the Laundry Mat, of course!  Our dryer quit working this week.  I haven't been to a laundry mat in a billion years.  I know some are 'sketchy' so I wanted Henry to come with me...hence why we went today...on Mother's Day.  Once the work week starts, Henry won't be able to come with me.

Sage kept busy playing his new GameBoy.  

Henry and Scott stayed busy on their i-phone and 3DS.
Scott did make a friend there, but I wasn't sure if 
that little boy's mom would appreciate me taking a picture
of her I didn't.   

It took us 4 washers and 4 dryers to complete our laundry which equaled $15.00.

We got Wendy's for the boys, and Chiptole for Henry and me.  Then, home so I could fold all those clothes (because I was not doing it in the laundry mat!).  I don't mind folding clothes because that is when I watch shows on Netflix.  I'm currently watching 'Say Yes to the Dress'....which I have NO idea why I'm into this show.  I could care less about wedding dresses.  Ha!

After laundry was folded and put away, I started going through more of our stuff in the basement.  It really shouldn't be taking as long as it has been to go through everything, but wow...I have to go through every single item that we own and make a decision on it.  Is it trash?  Should I donate it?  Should I sell it?  Or is it going to go to storage?  I have came across SOOOOOO many awesome treasures.  So many items trigger wonderful memories....and some trigger not so great memories.  Old cards from people, old letters from friends and family (SOOOO glad that I have actual letters and NOT texts), obituaries, birth announcements, my hospital bills from my births, my cancer journey records, all of Sage's doctor records from when he was sick all the time when he was itty, my old pay stubs from when I was in the 'working world', my old business cards, all of our old bills since 2006, all of our house buying documents from our 3 houses, tons and tons of pictures, some pictures are of my great-great grandparents, my pa-paw's old war photo albums, every party decoration I have displayed for my boys, my MIDDLE SCHOOL cheerleading jacket!, my mom's wedding dress!, my souvenirs from my 2000 England trip, my college notebooks, Henry's college notebooks, Sage's old school work and art work.....oh my....I could go on and on and on and on.  Just trust me....we had TONS of stuff packed away in our basement.  I'm still not done, but almost!  I see the light!

While I was doing laundry and going through stuff in the basement, Henry had the boys outside playing with neighbors.  He then came inside to cook dinner.  What a treat!  He grilled steak, corn on the cob, and baked potatoes.  Again, any meal I don't have to cook is marvelous!  Any meal I don't have to clean up is even better!

Little Scott was soooo worn out that he literally fell asleep while eating....he still had steak in his mouth!  (Don't worry, I forced him awake long enough to make him swallow).

So here I sit, blogging away while Henry and Sage play 'Plants vs Zombies' (they are both obsessed with this game....and actually Henry is EXTREMELY obsessed with this game!).  Soon I will have a treat of ice cream with cinnamon, honey, and chocolate chips (oh, and milk...I always add milk to my ice that weird?)

Wish I could be with my own momma and nanny today, but hopefully soon I will be!

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