Thursday, May 8, 2014

Moving right along...

I feel like I could sleep for days!!  I actually took a nap today, and I do.not.take.naps!  I had to get up at 6:30 am this morning to leave at 7:30 for the homeschool curriculum sale.  However, when I have to get up early, I make myself wake up over and over and over throughout the night because I'm worried that I will oversleep.  So...I've been awake since 5:00 am (well, except for my 40  minute nap).


Yesterday, a pediatric cancer charity came and picked up about 23 boxes and some misc. items from us.  So glad to have all of that out of our garage/house finally!

Look at that pretty truck in the background!  

Bye Bye car seat!  We've had it for over 8 years.  
I can't believe I didn't cry over that one!  

Also yesterday, we had a plumber come out and give us a quote for installing a new water heater.  Wow.  $275-$300.  Just wow.  We were given several quotes over the phone also from several different people.  Seems $200-$300 is just what they charge.  Crazy.  Since they all say it will take about 2 hours to complete....and 20-30 minutes of that is waiting for the tank to drain.  SO...lesson is....Henry should have been a plumber!  ($100-$150/hour....nice!)

ALSO yesterday, Sage took his annual test.  We have gone to the same administrator for the past 4 years, and he has taken the same test each year.  It's called the Woodcock Johnson Achievement Test.  The administrator is Dana Gingrich.  We recommend this test and administrator to any local homeschooler.  Sage did really well on his test.  So because he tried his best we made a stop at Target so that he could get some new Pokemon cards. (Have you heard?  Pokemon is all the rage).

Sage having his first Starbucks drink ever (lemonade)!  
And picking out Pokemon cards.

Yesterday, Sage also had a playdate with a friend down the street from us.  Good news!!  This friend has a cat, and Sage did NOT have an asthma attack!  Yay!

Yesterday, we also made another trip to our storage unit.  Scott stayed outside with the neighbors to play while we took Sage and another buddy with us.

Today was the homeschool curriculum sale.  I took 9 bins of items.  I came home with 3 bins of it was a success!  The last 15 minutes of the sale, I put signs on my tables that read, "Everything is FREE!"  That did the trick.  I didn't want to bring stuff home.  

I took Sage with me to the sale, and there were 2 kids there playing with Game Boys.  He loved them (the Game Boys, not the kids...although, I'm sure the kids were great too).  He just HAD to have one!  He had some money saved up so Henry took him tonight to get one.  Scott went too, and he got a new 3DS game.  (He also had money saved up).  While they were gone, I started cleaning since we have a showing tomorrow at 5:00 pm (or at least we are supposed to!).  Henry is now painting our upstairs stairway wall.  He just got done, and asked me to come check it out.  I instantly noticed that the paint doesn't match the other walls!  (I had painted the other 3 walls in the summer).  Ugh.  More painting to do!

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