Thursday, April 9, 2015

Ruby Bridges and William Frantz Elementary School

This year, we learned all about Ruby Bridges.
I say 'we' because it was my first time learning about her too.
I don't remember ever being taught about her when I was in school.  So this year, while Sage is in fourth grade, we read about her and watched the movie, 

When I looked up the school where she went to, 
I learned that it was in New Orleans.  
Naturally, I added visiting it to our 'To-Do' list.
That's what you do when you homeschool.
You look for things to make full-circle.  
How can we learn from every possible avenue?

Read about it.
Watch a video/movie.
Look at pictures.
Touch it with your hands.
See it in real life.

So tonight we went to the William Frantz Elementary School where Ruby Bridges help pave the way to end segregation.  
We walked the same steps that she did 
to enter that school for the first time. 
 (Same steps, but oh so different).  

There is also now a monument in the courtyard of Ruby.
I couldn't get close to it because it was behind the gate...
(plus, there were some kids playing basketball in there, and I didn't want to scare them...I'm sure I was some crazy lady to them with a camera).  I did get some shots of it, though.

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