Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Garage Sale

Last Friday and Saturday, we had a garage sale.  Fun, fun, fun.  

We learned that Friday is a super busy day for garage sales.  Our sale didn't start until 9:00 am, but there were cars lined up and down our street by 8:30 am.  As soon as we opened our garage door, people got out of their cars and rushed our garage like it was a Black Friday sale at Walmart.  It was crazy!  We had so much stuff in our garage...the tables had to be brought out of the garage so that people could actually get inside the garage, but they didn't care.  They were trying to push their way in like their lives depending on getting a shirt for $1.00.    And the super crazy thing was that we didn't even put signs up on the roads directing people to our house.  I just advertised on about 5 Facebook pages I'm on as well as on craigslist.  We made about $350 this day!!

On Saturday, it wasn't as busy, but we had a nice constant flow of people come.  Henry did put signs up this day because it was a slower day.  We made about $150 this day!!

The plan was to have 1-2 more sales because we still have TONS of stuff left.  I, however, just don't want to do it.  All the big stuff and all the 'good' stuff is gone now.  It just wouldn't really be worth the time and effort to do it again.  I donated 8 bags of clothes to a few people.  8 bags of clothes!!  Trash bags!  And our closets are still full of clothes...and Henry hasn't even gone through his clothes yet to weed them out.  I'm hoping less clothes equals less laundry.

I will be selling the rest of our educational items at a curriculum sale the first week of May so hopefully that pile of stuff (which is about 5 boxes of stuff!) will dwindle down.  I have even added to it since the garage sale.

Totally off topic, but today I was driving behind a woman who was driving a truck, and the decal said, "Not All Bad As# Toys Belong to Boys'.   I liked that.  That is all.

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